What is a Contextual Link?

And in what context are they used?

What is a contextual link?

Contextual links are hyperlinks embedded in textual content on a web page. They are also relevant to the subject of the text article/blog. For example, if a web page is talking about home renovation and as part of a sentence contains a link with the anchor text 'renovate my house in Houston', then this link is following the same context as the article text, and is therefore known as a contextual link.

Contextual links make sense to the reader of a page, as they are a highlighted section of the text they are reading which when clicked will take them to another page that provides more details on the subject contained in the anchor text. Not only does it help the user, but it also helps the search engines, by giving an important signal to them that the page being linked to is related to the subject discussed in the surrounding text and anchor text of the link.

What are the benefits of contextual linking?

Having contextual links pointing to your site helps to improve it's visibility, as each link is another entry point to your business. Having your link embedded in relevant content means that a click through from a visitor that has read and is interested in the article's subject is already primed, and this should mean that your web page's bounce rate decreases. A contextual link will also help to clearly inform both surfers and search engines what your website is all about.

What is a non-contextual link?

Any link that is not found within a body of relevant text can be classed as a non-contextual link. Think of a 'homepage' link on a forum profile, or a name left in a blog comment. Whereas there is a place for these types of links in search engine marketing, they don't help to give any information to either search engines or potential customers about what your web page is about.

How do you find contextual links?

You can reach out to blogs or news websites to see if they accept guest posts. If they do, you will have to research and write your own article which will have to come up to the sites own individual standards. You will probably also have to pay them upwards of three figures $, and your link may be end up being a nofollow link rather than a dofollow link. You could also sign up for free blogging platforms and start adding your own articles to them, and try and build a following so that the blog gets some traffic. This all takes a lot of time and effort, so for bulk dofollow contextual links it's best to use our services and let us do ALL the work.

Our business hours are 09:00 - 17:00 GMT Monday - Friday. Standard order turnaround times are 24-72 hours per order within those times. Orders placed near a weekend may have to wait until the next business day or two for order completion.

Fast Turnaround

Standard orders have a turnaround time of 24-72 hours per order, though work may well be completed much quicker.

Fresh Links

Our custom cloud-based harvester scripts work automatically to give us new and fresh link targets constantly.

Powerful Automation

Links are built using custom scripts and engines, and we are constantly identifying and programming new platforms and link sources for them to utilize.

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